What is Encouragement?

Tomorrow would be my father’s 99th birthday if he were alive (he died 15 years ago).  But his legacy lives on.  You see my father was great at encouraging others.  At his funeral, people talked about what a great “Encourager”  he was.   So what exactly is  encouragement?  It comes from the French word “encorgier” which means make strong, hearten.  It means to give a person courage or confidence.

Practically speaking, it means to look for the good in someone and compliment or appreciate it.  There is a sticker for children that says “catch them being good”.   All to often we focus on the faults and shortcomings of others.  Thank the overwrought clerk for helping you.  Comment on how well she handled that irate customer that was inline in front of you.  Tell your children how much you love them .  Look for  their strengths and talents and help them develop them.    Tell your friends how much their friendship means to you.  Even if that aunt drives you up the wall, you can always appreciate something about her like the beautiful scarf she is wearing.  But the important thing  to  remember about being an encourager is that you  are also a  ‘truth teller”.  In other words, be sincere and honest.  For e.g. don’t compliment unless it is truly what you feel or like.

These are just a few suggestions as to how to be an “encourager”.  For more ideas try  www.wikihow.com/encourage-people.


Welcome to my first blog!

I am excited to share topics that will encourage you as we navigate through the myriad of situations that we find ourselves in.  I want to share topics such as: ” How to know if you are “Burning out”; “Dealing with Re-entry Blues”, “Why triangles in relationships just don’t work”,  and  Parenting Prodigals to name a few of the topics. Much of the material will be from my observations and experience as a therapist / mother/wife/ daughter, sister,  and Christ-follower. My hope is that this blog will  Encourage YOU!!